

Vodafone Czech Republic a.s.
Medium / Campaign
Print magazine and social networks

How to create the best corporate magazine, blog and social networks profile in the Czech Republic?

Right from the start, the ČILICHILI project devised by Boomerang has centred on humour, novel approaches to topics and, above all, fair-minded communication. The print version of the magazine is clearly divided into a lifestyle section and product offer section, so readers don’t get the impression that the magazine is forcing advertisements wrapped us as articles on them. The website’s success is driven by its unique copy, localisation of the latest web genres from abroad and focused work with the Facebook base. With a print run of around 70–100,000 copies and roughly 200,000 readers, the printed ČILICHILI is one of the biggest and most successful corporate magazines in the Czech Republic. Besides unrelenting reader interest, it has received a number of domestic and international awards. ČILICHILI is the only Czech corporate magazine whose awareness score registers in a population sample (awareness of 3%). The cilichili.cz website has become one of the most popular entertainment websites for young people in the country. It regularly gets around 450,000 unique hits a month and has over 300,000 Facebook friends. The online ČILICHILI has also taken over from the print magazine in notching up industry awards time and time again.

Our Solution

So, how do you create the best corporate magazine, blog and social networks profile in the Czech Republic? Pick a team of capable people and give them your trust. Limit the need for approval to a minimum and fill your editorial board with people who are also the target group for your content.

200,000 verified readers of the Čilichili print magazine
1 of 3 spontaneously named reasons for visiting Vodafone stores
98% of readers pay attention to the commercial offer
Thanks to Čilchili, 57% of readers perceive the Vodafone brand as younger, 56% as more human, and 81% as distinct from the competition.

450,000 unique online readers per month
300,000 Facebook friends
2,000,000 users – weekly reach of Facebook posts
21 Golden Semi-colon, Fénix and Publishers’ Union medals and twice shortlisted in the CMA European awards
Since 2004

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